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The Re-DO Interview with Councilman Dupre' "Do-It-All" Kelly

Several months ago, Councilman Dupre' Kelly of Newark, New Jersey (West Ward) was in the Urban Suite. Unfortunately, he abruptly left. Find out why today. Also, find out what's taking place in his ward, his community, his hometown of Newark. He's back! And today we talk health, community beautification and much more in the Urban Suite with me, Dr. Lisa LaCon. #dupre'kelly #doitalldupre#drlisalacon#urbansuite#urbantoolsforchange



Hi, thanks for entering into the Urban Suite!

Thank you so much for entering into the Urban Suite. In the Suite, we discuss sex, mental health, and other topics affecting the urban community. As I always say, it's time to Watch! Learn! Grow!

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